Despite only seeing 26 confirmed cases in
Information About The Swine Flu Outbreak|Everything You Need To Know About The Potential Swin Flue Pandemic
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Over 150 Swine Flu Cases World Wide Now Confirmed
Swine Flu Pandemic Alert Raised To Second Highest Level
Today the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the pandemic alert for the Swine flu virus to a "phase 5 alert". This is the 2ND highest level and confirms what I have suspected all along, that the WHO believes that it is highly likely that a global outbreak of the disease will soon be upon us.
In an interview the WHO Director Margaret Chan confirmed and declared a phase 5 alert after discussions with flu experts worldwide. With this decision it is quite likely that significant measures will be taken worldwide in order to combat the current outbreak.
An alert level of phase 5 means that there has been recent, current, and sustained transmission of the disease in individuals in two or more countries. A phase 6 alert is probably not all that far off only requiring transmission to be shown in two or more regions of the world. In all reality we are probably already in a phase 6 alert and official are just waiting to get laboratory confirmation. A phase 6 alert also means that we are experience a global pandemic for a new disease that is potentially deadly too.
The Swine flu was first discovered over a month ago in Mexico and officials believe that there have been over 1,000 people infected with over 150 deaths. In the United States there have been over 100 confirmed cases and 1 death. The one death in the U.S. was of a nearly 2 year old boy in Texas.
The silvering lining at this point though is that only minor symptoms have been reported for infected individuals outside of Mexico. But this is also the big mystery that is keeping everybody scared. What has the disease caused so many deaths in Mexico while at the same time caused only minor symptoms in other countries?
That is point in time there has no been any suggestions to close up borders but there have been school closing in Mexico and the United States and the state of Texas even cancelled all high school athletics activities until at least May 11TH. In Great Britain school have also been closed after one middle school aged girl was diagnosed with the disease.
Swine Flu Antiviral Medication Being Sent to States: Tamiflu Shipments On The Way
The federal government has decided to move forward with enough shipments to treat up to 11 million people with all states getting a nearly equal share. It was unclear though whether each state would get the same amount or whether it would be based on the population in the state.
At the current time all states have plenty of Tamiflu supply and all regular pharmacies have plenty in stock but the government wanted to play it save and have more supplies ready in case the Swine influenza virus starts spreading and rocket ship speeds.
Government officials, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) are now gearing up for what they expect to be a marathon. They expect the Swine flu to continue to spread at a fairly high rate for quite some time and don't expect this problem to go away. In fact, the CDC went as far as to say that Americans should expect that there will be deaths related to the swine flu and that there is nothing anyone can do to stop some deaths from happening.
Health officials throughout the world are still trying to gather as much information about the mutated swine flu virus so that they can figure out how to better control the rapid outbreaks that we are seeing. At this time the only suggestions are to avoid public places, wash your hands often, eat well, sleep enough, and keep your stress levels low.
In other news Canada, Austria, New Zealand, Israel, Spain, Great Britain, and Germany have all now had confirmed cases of the swine flu virus.
Canada, Austria, New Zealand, Israel, Spain, Britain and Germany also have reported cases of swine flu sickness. Deaths reported so far have been limited to Mexico, and now the U.S.
Swine Flu Virus Outbreak FAQ's Brought To You By The CDC
What is swine flu virus?
The swine flu (swine influenza, H1N1) is a respiratory disease commonly found in pigs. It is caused by the type A influenza virus and it not normally contracted by humans.
Are there people in the U.S. that are infected with the swine flu?
In march the Mexican official began seeing large outbreaks of the swine flu virus among Mexican citizens. Since then the virus has spread and there have been roughly 100 confirmed cases in the United States. The swine flu outbreak has spread to 11 states as of today and it is expected to continue to spread to the rest of the states fairly quickly.
Is this swine flu virus contagious?
Although not normally contagious from human-to-human this particular form the the swine flu virus seems to be highly contagious.
What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu?
The swine flu is similar to the regular flu in regards to symptoms. These include a cough, sore throat, fever, chills, and fatigue. More severe symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and even pneumonia or respiratory failure.
How does swine flu spread?
Information on the spreading of the swine flu is very limited at this time but it is believed to spread in a similar fashion as the regular human flu. The best way to avoid spreading it for people to wash their hands often and over their mouths and noses when sneezing/coughing.
How can someone with the flu infect someone else?
Infection can occur as early as 1 day before symptoms begin to show up and for as long as 7 days after symptoms have showed up.
What should I do to keep from getting the flu?
The best thing you can do is wash your hands often, avoid large crowds, get enough sleep, eat right, and manage your stress levels.
Are there medicines to treat swine flu?
Currently oseltamivir (tamiflu) and zanamivir (relenza) have proven to be effected in treating the swine flu outbreak.
How long can viruses live outside the body?
Generally viruses can live for somewhere around 2 hours after they have been spread to non-living objects like desks and doors.
What can I do to protect myself from getting sick?
You can limit your risk for contracting the swine flu by washing your hands often, avoiding large crowds, using alcohol based hand sanitizers, and avoiding contact with infected people.
What is the best way to keep from spreading the virus through coughing or sneezing?
If you do become infected with the Swine flu you should be sure to cover your nose and mouth whenever you sneeze. It is also highly recommend that you do not leave our home expect for to seek medical attention..
What is the best technique for washing my hands to avoid getting the flu?
The best thing you can do is wash with soap and hot water or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer. You need to be sure to wash your hands for at least 30 seconds too.
What should I do if I get sick?
If you begin to experience any flu like symptoms you may have the swine flu and it would be in your best interests to contact a local health care provider. In this case you need to be tested for the swine flu and keep yourself isolated from other people.
Emergency swine flu warning signs for children include:
- Fast breathing
- Bluish skin color
- Not drinking enough fluids
- Not waking up
- The child is so irritable that he/she child does not want to be held
- Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever
- Fever with a rash
- Difficulty breathing
- Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Vomiting
Can I get swine influenza from eating or preparing pork?
Swine flu is not spread by food and you cannot get it by eating pork.
First United States Swin Flu Death Confirmed By President Obama
Officials in the state of Texas however do not believe that the boy was infected when he left Mexico but rather think that he contract the swine virus after arriving in the states. At this point no of his family members or anyone he has been in contact have any of the symptoms of the virus.
The boy was believed to be at the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston at the time of his death but employees of the hospital would no either confirm or deny this report and only said that a press conference was schedule for Wednesday afternoon.
Health official in Texas are doing the best that they can to try and map out boys families trip in order to be sure to inform anyone in contact with him about the risks they might have been exposed to. Officials are also concerned about where the boy might have contracted the swine flu virus from.
Centers For Disease Control (CDC) official have called the death a tragedy and are hopeful that the occurrence of death from the swine flu will be isolated. CDC officials said that they have been expecting some deaths all along, primarily among children, the elderly, and those with already weakened immune systems.
Health officials throughout the United States have continued to stress the importance of avoiding crowded areas where you may come in contact with lots of other people. They have also said that this is especially important for those that are at a higher risk to contract the swine flu virus.
Swine Flu Outbreak Surges: Viral Infections Now Confirmed In 11 Different States
The speed at which the swine flu is spreading has been accelerating greatly over the past several days with confirmed illnesses reported in 11 different states and laboratory tests scheduled for testing of it in numerous other states and countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also seem the pandemic penetrate deeper into Europe with an end in sight. It is expected that within the next couple of weeks week all European countries and states will have confirmed cases of the swine blue
Despite the rapid spread of the disease the death toll from it has continued to stay down with nearly all deaths only occurring in Mexico. There however was the 1st confirmed death in the U.S. today when a 2 year old boy from Texas died while try to fight off the disease.
The Pentagon, on Wednesday, also confirmed that 1 U.S. marine has been confirmed to have the virus and he has now been quarantined along with 30 other marine members who were in contact with him recently. These uninfected marines will be quarantined about 5 days in order to be sure that they were not infected.
With total U.S. cases now at 100 and the swine virus rapidly spreading to different states and countries the WHO recently raised the alert to a phase 5. A phase 5 alert means that the virus has spread to at least 2 different countries and a world wide outbreak of some sort is expected.
In other Swine flu news the governor of Texas issued a declaration of disaster for the entire state after the 16TH confirmed case came about. Included in this declaration was a cancellation of all Texas high school athletics until at least May 11TH.
In the states of Minnesota and Chicago officials believe that they have a confirmed case in some of their public schools and have since shut those particular schools down
The swine flu pandemic is spreading quickly and health officials do not see any kind of end in sight that this point. Your best bet is probably to continue to stay up-to-date on the current news surrounding it and be sure that take the CDC recommendations for limiting your risk for contracting the virus.
Symptoms Of The Swine Flu Virus

If you are worried about the threat of the Swine Flu then you have legitimate concerns and should begin taking precautions now in order to protect yourself. Many people are ignoring suggestions by the Center For Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) but there is a reason why every news media outlet is reporting about this virus. The WHO's upgrading the the pandemic to a phase 5 alert is also a sign that the disease is spreading quickly and could soon affect people in your area.
The swine flu is a respiratory virus that originated in pigs and is caused by swine influenza or SIV. If you come down with the swine flu the most important thing can be early detection. This is because if you detect it early you can get the proper care and rest you need in order to get well and you can isolate yourself in order to prevent further spreading of the virus.
Symptoms of the swine flu are very similar to those caused by other flu viruses and should be easily noticeable. It will not be easy to distinguish the difference between swine and the regular flu but you will certainly know that you have some sort of flu right away. The swine flu symptoms include coughing, sore throat, fever, chills, and fatigue. Other rare more serious symptoms of the swine flu include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, and respiratory failure. Individuals most as risk for serious symptoms include the young, elderly, and those with already weakened immune systems.
Generally individuals are not able to detect the difference between the standard influenza virus and the swine flu so it is important not to stay calm until you have been properly diagnosed. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is highly recommend that seek medical attention immediately in order to get things sorted out.
The swine flu is no laughing matter and is something that everyone should take very seriously. With early detection each of us can do our part to help stop the spread of this potential global pandemic.
Swine Flu Update: The Center For Disease Controls Most Recent Statement Regarding The Swine Flu
The CDC's most recent statement regarding the current swine flu epidemic was just released on April 29t, 2009 at 7:15 PM ET.
Here is what they had to say
"The outbreak of disease in people caused by a new influenza virus of swine origin continues to grow in the United States and internationally. Today, CDC reports additional confirmed human infections, hospitalizations and the nation’s first fatality from this outbreak. The more recent illnesses and the reported death suggest that a pattern of more severe illness associated with this virus may be emerging in the U.S. Most people will not have immunity to this new virus and, as it continues to spread, more cases, more hospitalizations and more deaths are expected in the coming days and weeks.
CDC has implemented its emergency response. The agency’s goals are to reduce transmission and illness severity, and provide information to help health care providers, public health officials and the public address the challenges posed by the new virus. Yesterday, CDC issued new interm guidance for clinicians on how to care for children and pregnant women who may be infected with this virus. Young children and pregnant women are two groups of people who are at high risk of serious complications from seasonal influenza. In addition, CDC’s Division of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) continues to send antiviral drugs, personal protective equipment, and respiratory protection devices to all 50 states and U.S. territories to help them respond to the outbreak. The swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is susceptible to the prescription drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir. This is a rapidly evolving situation and CDC will provide updated guidance and new information as it becomes available."
If we hear anything else from the CDC we will get it to your ASAP!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Steps To Take To Avoid Contracting The Swine Flu Virus
If you are worried about the swine flu then there are several steps you can take to help reduce your risk of contracting the virus. For most people it is still of little direct concern but these tips will become very important of the swine flu begins to show up in their area. Currently these tips are especially important for people in areas where the swine flu has already been confirmed.
Currently there is not on specific thing that anyone can do to protect themselves from the swine flu outside of completely isolating themselves from the entire world. There are however several things, that when practiced all at one time, can greatly reduce your risk of contracting the swine flu.
1) Wash Your Hands Often
2) Cover Your Mouth When Coughing
3) Stay At Home If You Suspect You Have The Flu (except for to seek medical help)
4) Minimize Contact With All People
5) Wear A Face Mask or Respirator
6) Avoid crowded settings or keep them to as short as possible.
Other Tips From the Center For Disease Control (CDC) include the following:
- Staying informed about the current status of the swine flu outbreak
- Be sure to cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing and throw all tissue in a trash can after use
- Be sure to wash your hands after each time you sneeze or cough
- Try to use alcohol based hand cleansers often
- Avoid hand to eye, nose, or mouth contact. This is the easiest way to spread germs'
- Don't go out in public if you get sick
- Follow all government advice about avoiding crowds and other largely social situations
- Establish an emergency plan in your family in case someone within it gets the swine flu
- For more information contact the CDC at 1-800-CDC-INFO
Potential Swine Flu Deaths In California
The H1N1 swine influenza virus originated in Mexico in march and has caused 20 confirmed deaths in Mexico although the actual numbers are expected to rise to around 150 once more laboratory tests are done on other suspicious deaths in Mexico.
In California there have been a total of 12 confirmed swine flu infections and 1 of the two deaths that were being investigate was determined to be caused by something other than swine flu. California health officials are still investigating the other death to see if it might have been caused by the swine flu virus.
In other news the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has told Americans that deaths will almost certainly occur in the United States from the Swine flu virus an that citizens should brace themselves for this. The CDC also said that it is especially important that the young and elderly do not contract the virus because they will be susceptible to death in comparison to healthy adults.
United States Swine Flu Virus Outbreak Numbers
States | # of laboratory confirmed cases | Deaths | |
Arizona | 1 | ||
California | 14 | ||
Indiana | 1 | ||
Kansas | 2 | ||
Massachusetts | 2 | ||
Michigan | 2 | ||
Nevada | 1 | ||
New York | 51 | ||
Ohio | 1 | ||
Texas | 16 | 1 | |
TOTAL COUNTS | 91 cases | 1 death |
What Is The Swine Flu?
The current strain of the swine flu that is causing human to human spreading of the swine flu is believed to be a rare mutated virus and it seems to be resistant to antiviral medications such as amantadine and rimantadine. It however has been show that using oseltamivir (tamiflu) and zanamivir (relenza) can be effective in treating it. The CDC has noted that for most cases of the swine flu in the U.S. recovery happened the help of any medication or medical attention.
The human to human outbreak of the swine flu is believed to have started in March of 2009 in Mexico and has since be confirmed to have spread to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Israel, and New Zealand. Besides theses countries there have been cases in numerous other countries such as South Korea, China, and India that have yet to be confirmed by laboratory test.
Currently all but 1 case of the swine flu has been confirmed to have been contracted by someone who either lived in or visited Mexico. The only case that remains a mystery is one in Kansas were the person who is infected did not travel to or live in Mexico.
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