Wednesday, April 29, 2009

United States Swine Flu Virus Outbreak Numbers

The Centers for Disease Control has officially confirmed 91 different cases of the swine flu (h1N1) virus. These cases have been reported in the states of California, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Arizona, and Texas. The state of New York had has over half of the confirmed cases with a total of 51 reported. The good news however is that out of the 91 cases confirmed only 5 of the infected individuals required hospitalization.

U.S. Human Cases of Swine Flu Infection
(As of April 29, 2009, 11:00 AM ET)
# of laboratory confirmed cases
Arizona 1
California 14
Indiana 1
Kansas 2
Massachusetts 2
Michigan 2
Nevada 1
New York 51
Ohio 1
TOTAL COUNTS 91 cases 1 death

1 comment:

  1. iN MALAYSIA here the H1N1 flue is getting worse and there is not enough medicine or cure for the flue I hope the gouverment will take more precaution because here in Malaysia the cases is getting higheir and the death causes has been increasing day by day I dont see there is enough ewareness for the people in Malaysia and that the organisation of health would take more actions and give more antidote 4 the people me my self pesonaly went I go to the hospital the doctor does not want to check me wheather I have H1N1 and I was very sick and I have all the syntomps of H1N1 thank you
