If you are worried about the swine flu then there are several steps you can take to help reduce your risk of contracting the virus. For most people it is still of little direct concern but these tips will become very important of the swine flu begins to show up in their area. Currently these tips are especially important for people in areas where the swine flu has already been confirmed.
Currently there is not on specific thing that anyone can do to protect themselves from the swine flu outside of completely isolating themselves from the entire world. There are however several things, that when practiced all at one time, can greatly reduce your risk of contracting the swine flu.
1) Wash Your Hands Often
2) Cover Your Mouth When Coughing
3) Stay At Home If You Suspect You Have The Flu (except for to seek medical help)
4) Minimize Contact With All People
5) Wear A Face Mask or Respirator
6) Avoid crowded settings or keep them to as short as possible.
Other Tips From the Center For Disease Control (CDC) include the following:
- Staying informed about the current status of the swine flu outbreak
- Be sure to cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing and throw all tissue in a trash can after use
- Be sure to wash your hands after each time you sneeze or cough
- Try to use alcohol based hand cleansers often
- Avoid hand to eye, nose, or mouth contact. This is the easiest way to spread germs'
- Don't go out in public if you get sick
- Follow all government advice about avoiding crowds and other largely social situations
- Establish an emergency plan in your family in case someone within it gets the swine flu
- For more information contact the CDC at 1-800-CDC-INFO
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