If you are worried about the threat of the Swine Flu then you have legitimate concerns and should begin taking precautions now in order to protect yourself. Many people are ignoring suggestions by the Center For Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) but there is a reason why every news media outlet is reporting about this virus. The WHO's upgrading the the pandemic to a phase 5 alert is also a sign that the disease is spreading quickly and could soon affect people in your area.
The swine flu is a respiratory virus that originated in pigs and is caused by swine influenza or SIV. If you come down with the swine flu the most important thing can be early detection. This is because if you detect it early you can get the proper care and rest you need in order to get well and you can isolate yourself in order to prevent further spreading of the virus.
Symptoms of the swine flu are very similar to those caused by other flu viruses and should be easily noticeable. It will not be easy to distinguish the difference between swine and the regular flu but you will certainly know that you have some sort of flu right away. The swine flu symptoms include coughing, sore throat, fever, chills, and fatigue. Other rare more serious symptoms of the swine flu include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, and respiratory failure. Individuals most as risk for serious symptoms include the young, elderly, and those with already weakened immune systems.
Generally individuals are not able to detect the difference between the standard influenza virus and the swine flu so it is important not to stay calm until you have been properly diagnosed. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is highly recommend that seek medical attention immediately in order to get things sorted out.
The swine flu is no laughing matter and is something that everyone should take very seriously. With early detection each of us can do our part to help stop the spread of this potential global pandemic.
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