Friday, May 1, 2009

Key Swine Flu Developments Brought To You By The Associated Press

Deaths: 168 deaths in Mexico with eight confirmed to be caused by the swine flu and all others suspected. One death in the U.S.

Sick: Nearly 3,000 people worldwide are suspected to be infected with the swine flu including the following confirmed cases; Mexico – 99, US – 93, Canada – 19, Spain – 10, Great Britain – 5, Germany – 4, New Zealand – 3 , Israel – 2 , and one in Switzerland, Austria, and the Netherlands.

The CDC has confirmed swine flu infections in 11 different states including New York, Texas, California, Maine, Kansas, Massachusetts, Indiana, Ohio, Arizona, Michigan and Nevada.

The WHO raised its pandemic alert to a phase 5 level which is the second highest on its 6 level scale.

The Obama Administration publicly announced that it is against closing the U.S – Mexican border at this time. They stated that it would provide very limited benefits but would be a huge task.

School Closings reach nearly 100 schools in the United States with closing in Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Connecticut, South Carolina, California, Texas, and New York City.

The United States government announces that it has nearly 12 million doses of Tamiflu available to treat the Swine flu.

The Mexican government officials suspend all nonessential business activity until May 5th. It also cancels all public events and begins handing out masks to citizens.

Texas Governor Rick Perry releases a disaster declaration and the state athletics association suspends all sports competitions until at least May 11th

Ecuador, Cuba, and Argentina ban travel to and/or from Mexico. Other major countries highly discourage non-essential travel to Mexico. Cruise lines avoiding Mexican ports.

The largest providers of respiratory masks in the United States increase product to meet higher demand.

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