Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu Has So Far Eluded China

As of Tuesday the Chinese government was still sticking to its story that it has not see any swine flu cases within the country. After the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak that was covered up many people are skeptical of this claim and think that the swine flu is probably already there. China was very strongly criticized in 2003 for their cover up of the SARS outbreak and has promised to be forthright and truthful regarding all swine flu infections.

Despite not having any confirmations of swine flu in China the government has already put the swine influenza virus on its “notifiable disease” list which means that they have the right to quarantine and isolate any individual that they suspect has the swine flu.

In China and other Asian countries airport restrictions have already been raised and we have even seen the use of thermal scanners to try and detect those with fevers, which is one of the common symptoms of the swine flu.

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