Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu Outbreak Prompts Closing Of Texas Schools

Two school districts in the San Antonio area have announced a shut down due to fears of the swine flu causing infections in their schools. KSAT-TV in San Antonio recently reported that both the Comal and New Braunfels school districts have announced that they will close up shop until at least May 11th. This includes the shut down of all classes, extra-curricular activities, and athletics.

The plan for these school districts is to spend the next 11 days sanitizing the schools from any potential swine flu infection and also allow any students that might have the swine flu to get better during this time off. The CDC has continually stated that one of the best ways to avoid spreading the swine flu is to avoid large social setting or crowds and this is exactly what the Texas school districts are doing.

The decision was made to close down the Comal school district after the Comal County Health Department recommended that school districts in the area close. At New Braunfels the decision was made after school districts officials met with multiple agencies at a recent meeting.

Despite there being little or no Swine flu cases reported at these schools officials decided to take the cautious route and go ahead and close school. Officials feel that a little bit of missed school would be better than spreading the swine flu virus around and potentially costing some their life.

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