Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu Prompts Egypt Order That All Pigs In the Country Be Slaughtered

With Egypt being hit very hard by the bird flu several years ago they wanted to be sure that they did a better job of containing the swine flu so they have ordered that all pigs in the country be slaughtered.

Unfortunately, according to most health experts pigs are not the concern here but instead the concern is for human to human transmission. Just because there might have been a few pig to human transmissions in Mexico does not mean that pigs in Egypt need to be slaughtered. It is important to note that this influenza originated in pigs but that it is not actually a swine flu but rather a mutated form that is a human influenza.

The H1N1 swine flu virus has only been shown to be spread by people and is not present in any Egyptian animals so why the slaughtered all their pigs was beyond me. Health officials have stated that the slaughtering of Egypt’s entire pig population will likely do little to nothing to help stop the spreading of the swine flu.

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