Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swine Flu Cases Confirmed Throughout the UK

The swine flu has now been confirmed throughout much of the British Isles, according the the AP. There is also now 1 confirmed cases in Ireland.

There are now 15 confirmed cases of the swine flu in the UK and more than 600 other people that are in the process of being tested for it.

So far people from Newcastle, Merseyside, Devon, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, London and Central Scotland have been confirmed to be infected with the virus.

Despite the 15 confirmed cases and many other undergoing testing all of the cases in the United Kingdom have had very mild symptoms with almost nobody needing to be hospitalized.

Among most of the people infected worldwide nearly all of them still include people that visited Mexico, with very few cases resulting from people who did not spend any time there.

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